GDPR Website Compliance
Your business reputation is important to you and you want to make sure that you are doing the right thing when it comes to other people’s personal data in your business.
You are growing an email list and are confused by the different rules in place when it comes to collecting email addresses and marketing. You want to make sure that your marketing sign-ups and opt-ins are correct, And you want to understand more about when you can and can’t email your contacts.
Privacy and Cookie policies are all a bit of a mystery to you and you can’t afford to spend hours on Google trying to find the answers to all your questions.
I know how confusing and overwhelming it can be to try and get to grips with GDPR and understand everything that you need to have in place. I work with my clients to break it all down into easy, manageable steps, to get you feeling confident and wiser about data protection and GDPR.
Why GDPR is important for your website
GDPR compliance is so much more than simply having a Privacy Policy. As a business owner you are responsible for making sure you respect the data protection rights of your clients and potential clients.
If you are growing an email list and asking your audience to sign up to your newsletter and marketing, you need to make sure that you are complying with Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations and the rules vary depending on who you are marketing to.
The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) sit alongside the UK GDPR and UK Data Protection Act 2018. They set the rules for marketing emails, calls, direct messages and tax as well as Cookies and similar technologies like Facebook Pixels and web beacons.
When it comes to your website, you don’t just need to have a Privacy Policy, you also need to have the right Cookie Consent options in place. And if you are asking people to sign up to your email list, you’ll need to make sure that your marketing opt-ins and email sign-ups are complying with GDPR and Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations.
Your website is your showcase for your business. Having all the right things in place to demonstrate that you understand your GDPR and Data Protection responsibilities helps to build trust with your audience. It shows that you take your responsibilities as a business owner seriously. It adds credibility and professionalism to your business.

Privacy Policy, Marketing Opt-ins and Cookies
In this session we will talk through exactly what you need to include in your Privacy Policy to reflect what you do in your business.
We’ll use a standard Privacy Policy template and I’ll provide you with a Personal Data Inventory template and talk you through how to complete it.
We’ll cover the different lawful basis and I’ll help you identify which ones apply to your business processes. We’ll talk about how long you keep personal data for (data retention periods are often forgotten about, but they are a very important part of Data Protection Regulations).
By the end of the personalised training you will have a good understanding of how to complete your Privacy Policy so that it accurately reflect what you do in your business.
You will also learn enough to be able to confidently update and amend your Privacy Policy in the future, whenever you start to do things differently in your business.
I will review your completed Privacy Policy and give you feedback so that you’ll know if anything needs to be tweaked or amended.
We will also cover your Marketing Opt-ins and email sign ups, so that you can be confident that you are complying with both GDPR and Privacy and Electronic Communications when asking people to sign up to your marketing.
And I’ll explain about Cookie Rules so that you understand the right settings and policy to have in place on your website.
2 hours 30 minutes zoom call – £247.00
How it works
1 x 1 hour call – (Personal Data Inventory template and Privacy Policy)
1 x 1 hour call – (Privacy Policy)
30 minute call – (Marketing Opt-ins and Cookies)
Follow up email with feedback on your completed Privacy Policy
Please note that the suggested timings may vary depending on your needs. I will work with you to ensure that you get the most out of the time booked and have all the support you need to complete your Privacy Policy and understand your email sign-ups and Cookies.
What’s included
- 150 minutes specialised and personalised GDPR support
- A walkthrough of what your Privacy Policy needs to include to reflect what you do in your business
- A Personal Data Inventory Template for you to complete in your own time (Word or Excel format)
- A Personal Data Inventory Checklist
- A Privacy Policy Template for you to adapt and complete in your own time
- A Privacy Policy Checklist
- A review of your Privacy Policy with feedback after you have completed it
What to expect
We’ll have an initial free 20 minute call to find out more about your business and the help you need to check this is the right one-to-one service for you. If I don’t think I can help or give you the right support, I will let you know.
If this is the right option for you and you want to proceed and book a one-to-one , I’ll send you my T&Cs and an invoice and we’ll schedule in your 90 minute zoom call.
What my clients say about working with me
I did a 1-1 consultation on GDPR and Privacy Policy with Sarah. We took a look at my Privacy Policy and Sarah gave me great advice on how to improve it. Sarah made it easy for me to understand how data retention works and what should I focus on. She also answered all my questions about email marketing opt-in forms and GDPR. I feel more confident about my Privacy Policy and GDPR knowledge after talking to Sarah. I know exactly what I need to do in order to make improvements to my policies.
I highly recommend working with Sarah as she’s very knowledgeable and knows how to explain difficult things.